Job Scheduling, Workload Automation, Orchestration & Metascheduling on-premises and on all clouds
Workflow engine to automate and orchestrate your business processes
ProActive Parallel Suite is an innovative project, member of the OW2 Open Source Community, for acceleration and orchestration of applications, seamlessly integrated with the management of high-performance Clouds (Private and Public with bursting capabilities).
ProActive Parallel Suite platforms features High-Performance Workflows and Application Parallelization, together with enterprise Scheduling and Orchestration coupled with the dynamic management of private Heterogeneous Grids and Clouds. With a ProActive platform, our users tackle at once the acceleration and orchestration of all demanding enterprise applications, and the management of their own Enterprise Cloud.
Professional support and services are delivered by Activeeon company.
Reduce execution time. Reduce infrastructure costs
Accelerate Scientific and Statistical Computing
Your Open Automation Platform to Optimize your IT operations